Welcome to Oliver’s Campaign for District 10 of the Ottawa County Commission.

I am committed to serving the people of Ottawa County with integrity, transparency, and dedication. That’s why I think it is important that you first know who I am.

Join me in building a better future for Ottawa County. Together, we can achieve great things!


Here, you can learn more about the campaign and its goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you choose to run?

My decision to run is centered around combatting the current commissioners who amassed a despotic takeover of our county with the help of Ottawa Impact.

What is your campaign’s main focus?

My campaign’s main focus is beating Ottawa Impact and building a greater future for the families and residents of Ottawa County.

How did you determine your policy pillars?

I determined my policy pillars through a combination of knowledge and identifying the needs of the community. This involved research, discussions with community members, and an analysis of existing challenges and opportunities available in Ottawa County.

Where can I learn about your experience?

You can read more about my experience by navigating to the ‘Experience’ tab or contacting the campaign to learn more.

What is the purpose of your public statements?

My public statements aim to inform the public, build trust, set an agenda, and engage voters in the political process.

How can I get involved with the campaign?

You can get involved by navigating to the ‘Engage and Connect’ tab. We welcome your support and involvement in our campaign. Share your thoughts, donate, or volunteer.

How can I donate to your campaign?

Online or checks can be written to “CTE Oliver Shampine” at 540 D Ave Apt 5, Grand Haven, MI 49417.